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About Barbara

My name is Barbara.  This, apparently, is where I'm supposed to talk about myself.  I've never been very good at that.  But here goes. 


I've spent most of my life being someone-else's-something.  Pam's mom, Jim's wife, Ben's teacher, John's pastor's wife, Debbie's youth leader, Kate's other mom, Joe's bus captain, Martha's counselor, and Everyone-and-Anyone's soft place to fall. 


But most importantly, I am a Christian.  I'm a child of the King.  And not just any king.  The King of kings.  My Father owns the cattle upon a thousand hills, and all the beast of the forest, too!


I trusted Christ at age eleven.  When I learned that Jesus loved me so much that He suffered and died in my place and that He wanted me for His own, I ran to Him.  He wrapped His arms around me and has never let go.  Blood bought, sins forgiven, redeemed.  That's me.  And that very day, the course of my life changed forever.


I was a welfare kid from a broken home.  Very broken.  God is really good at broken.  Broken is His specialty.  Using those who are broken.  Using and loving me.  And a life that started out as a disaster became an incredible and wonderful journey.  God's journey with me.  A life filled with joy and purpose.  All because I am His!


I've been in the ministry for nearly forty years.  That's all of my adult life.  After I had been saved for a few years, I offered myself to God if He could find something in me that He could use.  I meant it.  So did He.  I can't think of a job in the church that I have not done except the pulpit preaching.  Oh, and maybe church-service-security.  But I've only recently had my first gun-shooting lesson.  So give me time.  :)


Along the way God gave me five wonderful children.  He gave me a superpower.  I am mom.  BAM!  My kids are now all adults and are all serving the Lord.   They really are amazing.  The Lord is so good to me!  For many years I've taught in Christian school and much of the same time went to school myself.   I earned my Bachelor's degree in Elementary Education in 1993, and my Master's degree in Christian Counseling in 2010.  Phew!


My journey continues.  Any time I start to get comfortable, God reminds me- I am broken and it's all Him.  Made perfect in weakness.  My weakness.  His perfect strength.


I offer myself in counseling others.  Christian counseling.  Biblical counseling.  Listening with my heart and offering principles from God's Word.  Principles that change lives.  God will do the same for others that He's done for me.  Fix the broken.  Show His strength in their weakness.  I am also available for speaking engagements.  Women's groups, conferences, workshops, and retreats. You can get in touch with me through my contacts page.


There are many verses from the Word of God that I've claimed throughout the seasons of my life- truths that have guided me and comforted me on my journey.  Once applied they are a part of me forever.  But there is one that has been my life's verse through it all.

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Barbara Olszewski


National Christian Counselors Association

Licensed Clinical Pastoral Counselor

Certified Temperament Counselor

All scripture taken from the

King James Bible

© 2016 by Barbara Olszewski. 


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