Welcome, My Love!
Something amazing happened today! Something that will set this day apart from others for the rest of my life. :)
Calvin Peter came out of his snug, safe little home to meet me. He's perfect in every way. No, really--he is. I examined him real good. He's perfect and precious and beautiful. Bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh. He is a miracle. And I love him with all of my heart.
Calvin is the firstborn child of my firstborn child. And for this child we prayed. My daughter and son-in-law have been married for six years. Most of that time we have been praying and waiting. And then, just before medical intervention---the DAY before!---we got the news. Do not take the medication. Do not proceed with the medical plan. God has given us a child.
For nine long months I've waited to see his face. Every week I'd get a belly bump pic. Yep, you are definitely a tad bit fatter with the passing of each seven days, my increasingly uncomfortable daughter. I've spent all of her life seeking only the best for her. Moving mountains to help her. Doing whatever I needed to do for her to be happy and well. But now, something's changed. Something's shifted.
Oh, yes, I still listen patiently as she describes her loathing of food smells and how uncomfortable her stretched skin feels. I try to sound sympathetic as I listen to her complain about lack of sleep and living in the bathroom. Say the right things, momma. Reassure and comfort her. But I must confess that in my heart, I hear your voice but I'm thinking of another, my dear daughter. Grow, my baby, grow!
And then, today, I see his sweet face. I feel that flood of joy that comes when you hold your child for the first time. An amazing miracle full of promise. I am so grateful that I can barely contain myself. The Lord is so very good to me. I hold him tightly and smother him with kisses. He is so soft and precious. I want so badly to pinch his little cheek. But I don't want to hurt him. Fortunately, my secondborn daughter is nearby. I pinch her cheek instead. Hard. Several times. I'm getting a look, but I don't care. He's worth it!
So now I'll spend my days imagining what God will do with him. I can't wait to learn the ways of his heart. I have a job to do. I will show him the Lord in me. I pray that his heart is always to do right. I pray that he feels the weight of his own sin at a young age and trusts Jesus early. I pray that he loves others and wins souls. I pray that he loves Jesus with all of his heart and wants to please Him with everything he does. Oh, please Lord!
I can't quite remember the name of my firstborn daughter now. When I think of her I think of her new name. 'Calvin's Mommy'. And then I look over at my secondborn daughter, who hasn't stopped trying to take this child from my arms. She has given me grandchildren, too. Her name is 'Mommy of Lacey, Lily, Bo, and Leah'. Give it up, red cheeked woman. He's mine!