New Every Morning
"It is of the Lord's mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness." ~Lamentations 3:22-24
His mercies and compassions are new every morning.
Sometimes I drop into bed at night spent. Like, if my allowance for the day had been a dollar, I had spent ninety-nine cents of it throughout the day, and my last penny just rolled under the refrigerator. Spent. Nothing left. Notta. And that feeling is one that can really weigh heavy. It kinda feels like discouragement. Which anyone who knows me knows is a place that I do not want to go. Discouragement. A slippery slope. Where you need a big strong hand to give you a boost. :) But that is a story for another day.
I fell asleep last night with a pretty pitiful prayer. Not much to it. Remember, I was spent. Good thing God knows my heart. He never seems to hold such things against me. I can do things with Him that others might question. He lets me ask Him 'why', and stuff like that. I think maybe I've figured that out. A child can question 'why' of his mother with a big ol' invisible fist thrust into the air; an act of pure defiance. Or a child can come crying, asking, "Momma, why does it hurt so bad?". And God is really good at figuring out the difference.
So, yesterday was Sunday. My favorite day of the week. It was a day filled with blessings. A day filled with sweet people lovin' on me and whispering words of encouragement into my ear. A day filled with God's Word being preached and speaking to my heart. A day filled with affirmation of things that I hold dear and know to be true. A day filled with confidences shared and prayer requests tucked away. A day filled with children singing my kind of songs like they meant it, taking me right straight to the foot of the Throne. A day filled with the love of my family. Precious things.
But there were a few disappointments, too. Failures. Just a thing or two, but at the end of the day, those were the things on my heart. Not the blessings of the day. The failures. And those are the things that I took to bed with me.
And as it has happened so many times before, I awoke this morning with a new attitude. Those things that weighed heavy last night seem so silly now. What was I thinking? I am filled with wonder at the happenings of yesterday. Of how blessed I am to have so many people who love me. And most of all, how amazing God's grace is, and how incredibly big His love for me is.
And now, I am looking at another new day that He has given me. It is still dark, but the birds just outside the window behind my head are singing to beat the band. Life is good. Very good!
I only gave you two of the three verses from the portion of Lamentations that we began with. The third is this: "The Lord is my portion, saith my soul; therefore will I hope in him." Oh, hooray! That makes me cry! It's gonna be a very good day.
His mercies are new every morning!